陈艺楠个展 Yinan's Solo Show
「 蝶变 Metamorphosis 」
I have born a complicated and unique emotion for butterfly since my childhood. It is the natural artwork in the public perception, while the butterflies in photo album and showcase are shown in so quiet and beautiful a way that makes me yearn for them; However, I am severely suffered from butterfly phobia in reality, especially for flying butterflies with gorgeous patterns. I have been using butterfly as the medium since my undergraduate graduation work, Butterfly Cemetery in the year 2015, and focusing on conveying my own perception and feelings, to show my complicated emotions for butterfly, and my feelings of beauty and fear as well as my awe of life.
During the long-term process of creation with butterfly as its element, I have been also in a steady search for the commonalities between the butterfly and mass audience as well as human beings. Both as gregarious creatures, people and butterflies have much similarities -- identity recognition, relation between individual and community, migration and immigration, disguise and escape, as well as the pursuit for freedom…… These 4 pieces of installation works of this exhibition are accordingly designed based on separate commonalities between people and butterflies, using the butterfly as a metaphor for people, so as to focus on the unavoidable relationships between people and society as well as nature.
For more information about the works
Exhibition Information
展览项目:蝶变 Exhibition: Metamorphosis
艺术家:陈艺楠 Artist: Chen Yinan
展览总监:傅中望 Exhibition Director: Fu Zhongwang
艺术总监:刘茂平 Artistic Director: Liu Maoping
策展人:魏光庆 Curator: Wei Guangqing
学术主持:冀少峰 Academic Host: Ji Shaofeng
出品人:戴毅 Producer: Dai Yi
海报设计:陈艺楠、邱炳坤 Poster Design: Chen Yinan/ Qiu Bingkun
画册设计:陈艺楠 Catalog Design: Chen Yinan
摄影:梅健 Photography: Mei Jian
展览执行:吴娇、瞿雅、张奕龙 Exhibition Executors: Wu Jiao/Qu Ya/ Zhang Yilong
展览统筹:魏传涛、张学龙、许鹏飞、徐仕伟、 刘玲玉、韩净苡、王映丹、吴琼、郝荆荆、黄鹏徽、 张宇、蔡曦、张子锐 Exhibition Coordinators: Wei Chuantao/ Zhang Xuelong/ Xu Pengfei/ Xu Shiwei/ Liu Lingyu/ Han Jingyi/ Wang Yingdan/ Wu Qiong/ Hao Jingjing/ Huang Penghui/ Zhang Yu/ Cai Xi/ Zhang Zirui
展览时间: 2021 年 9 月 25 日—2022 年 1 月 2 日 Exhibition Time: 2021/9/25—2022/1/2
展览地点:武汉市洪山区野芷湖西路创意天地 03 创意工坊 101 Exhibition Location: No.101, workshop 03, Creative Capital, Yezhihu W.Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan
主办机构:佑品空间 Organiser:Youpin Space